Game Console from Raspberry Pi Pico
Recently, I ordered a Raspberry Pi Pico board for a project. But as this project need more time to start, and also these days are bored, I decided to make a simple gaming console from it. First of all I have never used RP board, so I had to do some studies. After reading on internet, I realize we can program raspberry pi with either using micropython or C++. As micropython is much easier I decided to use it. First I downloaded the micropython bootloader from internet . Then, I plugged my board to the computer and I copied the downloaded file to the board. From here, I need " Thonny " to upload and test my python code. So I downloaded it and installed. Then I started coding Test 1 - Simple Game For this test I decided to use 128*64 OLED and GY-521 Gyro module. I'm not going to use gyroscope, but I will use the accelerometer. Here is the description of my game. There is a ball, and it is the player object. Then, there are bombs and a cup cake. Player can move according to...